


You're not a part of the reality that we live
Where forgetting 'bout a child is defined as a crime
It's impossible to destroy the past with all mistakes you've made
When your thinking is closed in two packs of cigarettes a day
Please understand, nobody will repay your debts again
You have to do it by yourself
Don't look for drugs that will bring you back to life
Don't look for help in others - start to treat your mind

Nothing will be fixed in a week or a month
Although I think you can do it, if you want
Grow up, stand on your own two feet
'Cause after all you've done I still believe
Although I know you'll never change
You are a good man

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Jastrzębie-Zdrój, Śląskie, Poland
Martyna. Lat 21. Zawieram się w tekstach, które piszę. Bawię się dźwiękiem, ruchem i słowem, a życie serialowych bohaterów przeżywam intensywniej niż własne. Kiedyś w miliony gwiazd się rozsypałam, więc tak mi pozostało - to tu, to tam - czasem sobie żyję, czasem umieram. Dla zabawy.